
I Want To Read Your Blog

Posted on by Rhys

For a while now, I’ve used Bloglovin to keep up my blog reading. It’s helped me get a better overview of what’s happening in the blogosphere, and gives me an easy one-stop place to check all the blogs I want to read. I love it. Except, it’s sort of annoying to discover new blogs; the Continue reading

Speaking at BEA

Posted on by Rhys

Some of you will know that I am spending the next few months travelling le monde; I’ll be visiting such places as New Zealand, the eastern Australian coast and South Africa; but before all that begins I’m spending a week in New York City. Two reasons: I’ve never been to NYC, and I’d have to Continue reading

Happy Christmas!!

Posted on by Rhys

As I’m sure you’re aware, today be the 25th! I haven’t got much to say except to wish you all a very happy (hopefully a booked up!) Christmas! And, if you’re like me, don’t eat too much!

1st Blogoversary!

Posted on by Rhys

A year ago today, I started ThirstforFiction. I can’t believe it’s been that long- because is certainly doesn’t feel that way! When I started ThirstforFiction, I didn’t know other YA book bloggers even existed, let alone there be a whole community! Since then, I’ve received numerous books from publishers for reviews (again, something I never Continue reading

Welcome to the “New” ThirstforFiction!

Posted on by Rhys

No, your eye are not decieving you, we have indeed changed the layout and colour scheme of ThirstforFiction. But more than that: we have moved the entire blog to a new platform: the trusted WordPress! Over the last two to three weeks, we have been busy bees porting all our reviews and posts from Joomla Continue reading