Publisher Pet Peeve: “Goodreads” Reviews

This is something that’s been around a while and that has equally annoyed me for the time it’s been around (I had hoped it would go away with time – it hasn’t) but I recently got a couple of emails where this had been done and I thought I’d finally write something about it, because … Continue reading

Michael Grant Messenger of Fear cover


  If you’re a fan of Michael Grant and his books, you’ll no doubt be excited for his latest series, MESSENGER OF FEAR. Are you afraid? Not nearly afraid enough….here’s the official blurb: “I remembered my name – Mara. But, standing in that ghostly place, faced with the solemn young man in the black coat … Continue reading

mockingjay poster

Panem Today, Panem Tomorrow, Panem Forever: The Mockingjay Teaser Trailer

Personally, The Hunger Games film franchises is one of my favourites: it’s just so brilliant (okay, so there are a few disappointing moments but thankfully these are really quite minor) and in my opinion surpasses the books. One of my favourite things about the films has been their viral marketing campaign, which has seen websites … Continue reading

10 Books to Read if You Loved THE FAULT IN OUR STARS

If you’ve just watched The Fault in Our Stars and need something else to get your paws on, I’ve compiled a list of ten (unusual) books you might want to try. In no particular order: Winger by Andrew Smith – This coming-of-age novel tells the story of Ryan Dean “Winger” West, the only fourteen year … Continue reading

I Predict a Riot by Catherine Bruton cover

Catherine Bruton: Killings Your Darlings

I’ve got the pleasure of introducing Catherine Bruton to ThirstForFiction as part of her I Predict a Riot blog tour. Catherine is also the author of We Can Be Heroes and Pop!, as well as writing regularly for national newspapers. Take it away Catherine! I’ve never committed murder before. Neither in real life (obviously!) nor … Continue reading